Some people talk of Angels, with no knowledge of what they say
Then there are those of us with our own Angels, watching over us every day
Angels are a popular item, people collect them left and right
But how many of these people believe in them, when they're alone at night?
I have a special Angel, and I don't mean a crystal one in a case
My son is an angel in Heaven, a baby Angel who will never fall from Grace
~written by Bugs mommy, Amanda Snow, 3/5/03~
A mommys heart, a mommys mind
But empty arms and grief inside
Maternal instincts, so alive and so strong
Internal fear of what we might have done wrong
Wanting to move forward yet stay in the past
Not wanting to risk forgetting our pain too fast
Looking for balance between grief and sunshine
Not knowing which way to turn, just capable of crying
Taking comfort in knowing there are Angels among us
Taking comfort in knowing we have Angels who love us
~written by Bugs Mommy, Amanda Snow, 3/10/03~
For those of us with children living only in our heart
For those of us with children who are living worlds apart
Our love is stronger than any sorrow made and brighter than the brightest star
Our faith is unlimited and our strength never ending
Our love crosses the great divide to our children a far
We are mommies to Angels, a more important job there is not
We cry and we grieve but move on as we must
We do our duties and bide our time, till we see our precious lot
~Written by Bugs Mommy, Amanda Snow, 3/7/03~